Building Relationships And Why It’s Important For Your Business

We’re often told how important networking is before our professional lives even start. But there’s more to it than online meetings, emails and exchanging business cards. Building relationships with certain people is what can make all the difference in your company.
Building Relationships With Clients
Part of the appeal of working with a broker is the face-to-face interaction and human touch that makes the experience more personal. Forming a relationship with your clients builds trust and can help grow your referral business and retain clients for future transactions. By doing this you’re forging long-term business relationships that can lead to brand advocates and successful outcomes.
Tips For Connecting With Clients
Treat your client as more than a transaction. Ask them about their families, their daily lives and their plans. Make note of their answers so you can mention them later, showing you’re attentive and care about more than just their business. Ask more open-ended questions to reveal more than just the surface level. Talk to them about their goals and how you can help them accomplish them. Address concerns early on – before they become bigger issues – and celebrate even the littlest wins throughout the entire process to maintain positivity.
As a broker, you hold plenty of responsibilities, and that can cause stress or make you feel overwhelmed. Your clients shouldn't see this. You should aim for your clients to have confidence in your work. Therefore, you must radiate self-assurance. Another personality trait that people appreciate being around is zeal, this will help your clients know that you are passionate about being a broker and committed to helping them.
Building Relationships With Industry Professionals
Building relationships with real estate agents can make you one of their preferred lenders, meaning they’ll put your name out there and even nab you a few referrals.
Build your network with other brokers, too. You’ll be able to learn best practices from what they’re doing right and have a group of people to talk to who understand what you’re going through. It’s especially helpful to build relationships with brokers who have different state licenses than you. That way, if they have a client who needs a broker in your state, they’ll likely refer them to you. Likewise, if you have a client in need of a broker in their state, you can provide a great client experience by finding one for them.
Tips For Connecting With Industry Pros
Connect with professionals by attending conferences and industry events. Always have business cards on hand at these events and be the first to reach out to those you meet. You can also reach out to agents and brokers on social media, especially the professional networking site, LinkedIn. Take it a step further and make outbound phone calls to local real estate companies or visit their brick-and-mortar business to introduce yourself. And take your business card everywhere.
Building Relationships With Local Businesses
Having a relationship with local business owners will not only provide you with referrals and show you care about the community, but also help you become a local presence.
Tips For Connecting With Local Businesses
Supporting their business by becoming a customer and visiting frequently, is one of the most powerful ways to build and maintain your business. Find other ways to scratch their back so, in the future, they can scratch yours. This may include recommending their shop to clients or allowing them to hang an ad in your office.
Another way to build rapport with local businesses is to give your online presence more attention. After all, before arriving to you in person, people tend to reach online beforehand. Try focusing on boosting engagement by liking, sharing and reposting their business. If they’re active on Twitter, re-tweet their conversation. Build this type of engagement into your social media strategy.
You can also see if they’d like to partner on a project that gives back to the community. If you’re a Rocket ProSM TPO partner, check out our community page for inspiration and see how Rocket Pro TPO can help you get involved.
Building A Relationship With Your Account Executive
Once you partner with Rocket Pro TPO, forming a relationship with your Account Executive is crucial. It builds trust and allows you to be more unguarded and authentic. This can help your Account Executive better understand the needs of your business, which, in turn, allows them to recommend products and services that are the best fit for your targeted client demographic. It will also just make conversations more pleasant and easy as you both collaborate on ideas, walk through the portal, receive or give feedback, and even get tips for getting things done quickly.
Tips For Cinnecting With Your Account Executive
Answer your phone when your Account Executive calls and you have the time to chat. Ignoring them or cutting the conversation short hinders their ability to help you, provide important updates and tell you about new products and services being offered by Rocket Pro TPO. When you talk to them, be open and take the time to have real conversations about your business and your needs. Being more open will help you grow your business. Most importantly, understand that your Account Executive is there to help you, to celebrate your wins and to guide you in the right direction to help streamline the process. They’re your upfront lifeline for knowing where to go and who to contact to get what you need completed.